Suffragist Margaret Foley distributing the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News
Photograph of Margaret Foley (right?) and an unidentified woman (left), both carrying pocketbooks and wearing fur-trimmed hats and fur stoles, standing outside and distributing copies of the November 29, 1913, issue of the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News. The woman on the left has a cloth satchel strapped across her body, labeled VOTES.
c. 1913
Library of Congress

The Woman's Journal
National American Woman Suffrage Association, “The Woman's journal. (Boston, Mass.) 1917,” Ann Lewis Women's Suffrage Collection, accessed October 5, 2015, https://lewissuffragecollection.omeka.net/items/show/1128.
The Woman’s Journal was created by Lucy Stone for the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) in 1870. It was the first newspaper on suffrage that was successful, and it was in circulation throughout the movement.

Woman's Journal and Suffrage News
Library of Congress.
This front page of the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News is from March 8, 1913. Pictured are Rosalie Gardiner Jones, Inez Milholland on a white horse, floats, and an aerial view of the Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913. The parade was organized by Alice Paul and took place in Washington, D.C. the day before President Wilson was inaugurated. 8,000 women marched and an additional half million people watched the parade.

American Woman Suffrage Association Poster
American Woman Suffrage Association Poster advertising Abigail Duniway as a featured speaker at a meeting of the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), on a bill with other nationally prominent leaders.
University of Oregon